Sunday, November 02, 2008

A typical Sunday

This shall be a post composed almost entirely of pictures.

If you don't like blog posts with pictures, just comment on my tagboard/Cbox.

This is an innovative new method of posting! I shall call it PICTORYPOST(TM)

It's a beautiful Sunday Morning, and the weather is fine.

Flowers and trees everywhere! What a beautiful morning.

And our dedicated crew of actors begins the day!

The most senior male member of the family is watching T.V. (Pheonix Channel).

And the two grandmothers and a domestic helper are assisting with brunch!

The mother has just woken up - seems hostile. Let us move on to somebody else!

The sister is doing her homework;

the brother is slacking off;

and the father is nowhere to be seen! (he's taking the photos)

Will post when I upload more pictures. Bye!

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